Notes of an Ukrainian madman
Author: Lina Kostenko
Book for adults
Language: Ukrainian
Publisher/ Series: A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-ha
Year Published: 2011
Type: hard cover
Pages: 416
Dimensions: 21x14 cm
Shipping Weight: 530 g
ISBN: 978-966-7047-88-7
About This Book: This is a new book by Lina Kostenko after 20 years of silence, and her first prose novel. The story is told in the name of a 35-year-old computer programmer, researching after a personal drama the dislocations of our global age. In the world of (dis)information and the total alienation he tries to overcome the communication gap between men and women, between family and career, between Ukraine and the rest of the world. "Notes of the Ukrainian madman" is a rich mix of fiction, diary, history and journalism