Balcony Miracles
Автор: Mykhaylo Slaboshpyzky
Ілюстрації: Alina Potemska
Книга для дiтей 6 - 9 рокiв
Мова: українська
Видавництво/ серiя: Yaroslaviv Val/ Bedryk
Рiк видання: 2013
Тип видання: тверда палітурка, кольоровi ілюстрації
Кiлькiсть сторiнок: 48
Розмiри: 22,5 x 18 см
Вага: 240 г
ISBN: 978-617-605-042-1
Опис This book is like a mitten-home. A little fish, a bunny believing himself to be brave, a Norwegian whale with necklace and even balcony miracles live there. After having read these stories, readers will learn how the animals manage to come together and understand each other well without to flee into a neighbor fairy tale.
This Ukrainian book is best suitable for readers of elementary school age.