Sweet Pastry
Author: Daria Zweck
Book for Parents and Young Adults
Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: Stary Lev
Year Published: 2013
Type: hard cover, gift edition
Pages: 192
Dimensions: 25 х 21 см
Shipping Weight: 740 g
ISBN: 978-617-679-009-9
This Book Daria Zweck was a well-known Galician-Ukrainian culinary artist, who had made an invaluable contribution to the preservation and transmission of Ukrainian cuisine and Ukrainian traditions. Books with collections of Ukrainian recipes by Daria Zweck have become Ukrainian bestsellers for a long time.
The Ukrainian publisher "Old Lion" has contributed to the renewal of this book - this book‘s edition has received a more modern Ukrainian language and a new, modern design.
This book is a beautiful edition with Ukrainian recipes of sweet pastries, sweet foods, and homemade bottled fruit.