Why nobody pets the little hedgehog
Author: Andrey Kurkov
Book for children aged 2 - 6 in the Ukrainian language
Publisher: Bohdan
Year Published: 2013
Type: soft cover, colored illustrations
Pages: 18
Dimensions: 21 x 18,5 cm
Shipping Weight: 110 g
ISBN: 978-966-10-2377-1
Description: Large or small, people or animals - everyone wants to be important and be needed by others. Once the little Hedgehog was very sad because no one wanted to pet him. And he would still remain so sad and wrinkle his forehead, if not the little gray Field Mouse who explained everything to him. Since then, the little animals were unseparable and drank tea and ate nuts and apples in the evenings.
Beautiful illustrations of this book by the famous Andrey Kurkov are made by Tetyana Horjuschna, the Ukrainian translation is provided by Iryna Demjanowa
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