Bilingual cards for foreign language lessons
Language: Ukrainian, English
Publisher: Sova Publishers
ISBN: 9786177360284
Type: double-sided cards, with a picture on the front and a transcript on the back
Number of cards in the set: 17 pieces
Size: 110x105cm
Material: thick paper 250 g/m²
Benefits of Sova flashcards
Visual teaching material is presented simultaneously in two languages. On the front of each card you will find the picture and on the back the transcription of English words. This way you know which card to present to the learners without even seeing the front of the card.
The cards present high-quality, bold images framed in a light-colored frame. The format of the cards is suitable for both children and adults. The cards can be used in foreign language lessons (e.g. in DaZ lessons = German as a foreign language) both for individual and group lessons or for entire classes.
What abilities can be developed with the help of these flashcards?
By working with these bilingual cards, the vocabulary of the foreign language will be enriched, the worldview will be expanded, learner’s curiosity and communication skills will develop, and correct pronunciation of the new vocabulary is practiced. Learning a foreign language contributes to the expansion of individual skills and the development of intellectual abilities. The unique technique of working with bilingual flashcards helps to improve learners' motor skills, language development, memory, attention and imagination.
How to use flashcards in class or at home?
You choose the topic, show a picture and say the word in Ukrainian, English, German or any other language you are teaching or learning. If you don't speak Ukrainian, the English word will tell you what exactly the picture shows. Work on pronunciation too: saying words out loudly trains automatic muscle memory, the ear gets used to the sound of the word, recognizes it again and the brain automatically memorizes the object and visualizes it. Don't limit yourself to repeating terms. Look at the pictures together with your students and discuss the pictures. Older children can be encouraged to create their own story using the cards.
Examples of language games for learning of new vocabulary
The game „What's Missing“ is aimed at developing memory and attention.
How to play: Arrange 6 cards in two rows (3 cards in a row). Take turns with the learner to name what is on each card. Now ask the child to close its eyes or turn around and remove one card. When the child looks at the cards again, ask, "What's missing?" The child must remember which card is missing.
If your question is answered easily, the game can be made more difficult: hide one card and swap places of the remaining cards.
Game "rhythm"
The game "rhythm" promotes the visual and auditory memory.
How to play: Put 5 to 6 cards on a table. Take turns with your student (in a clear rhythm, without delay) naming what is on each card. You can set the rhythm by clapping your hands or snapping your fingers. When all cards are named, one card should be removed. The learner must name all the cards in turn, including the hidden card. After he has named all the cards, take one more card from the table. The game ends when there are no more cards on the table and the student can name them all independently in the given order.
"Stop" game
You can start the game with 6-10 cards and later increase their number.
How to play: Show a child one of the cards and name it, for example, "a cat." Then hide this card among other flashcards and shuffle them. Now show the cards one by one. When the child sees the picture with a cat, it has to say: "Stop - cat". Praise the young language learner and choose the next card. The game continues until the child has “stopped” all the cards one by one.